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Academic Events

Academic Lecture Series of the College of Foreign Languages (2106)

Quelle: Date: 2021-05-18 View:
名称 时间

Theme: Boasian Verse: The Poetic and Ethnographic Work of Edward Sapir, Ruth Benedict, and Margaret Mead

Speaker: Philipp Schweighauser (Professor of University of Basel, Former President of Swiss Association for North American Studies)

Time: 20th May, 3:15 p.m.

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Organizer: School of Foreign Studies

Introduction to the Speaker: Philipp Schweighauser is Professor of North American and General Literature at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and was the president of Swiss Association for North American Studies. He is the author of Beautiful Deceptions: European Aesthetics, the Early American Novel, and Illusionist Art (University of Virginia Press, 2016) and The Noises of American Literature, 1890–1985: Toward a History of Literary Acoustics (UP Florida, 2006).

Introduction of the Lecture: The lecture reports on Professor Schweighauser’s book project Boasian Poetry coming out of the Swiss National Science Foundation Project “Of Cultural, Poetic, and Medial Alterity”. Situated at the intersection of literary studies and cultural anthropology, the project explores convergences between cultural alterity, poetic alterity, and medial alterity in the work of three preeminent cultural anthropologists: Sapir, Benedict, and Mead, who made major contributions to the conceptualization of “culture” and “cultural relativism,” two of the most influential concepts in the 20th c. social sciences.