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Academic Lecture Series of the College of Foreign Languages (2158)

Quelle: Date: 2022-04-07 View:
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Lecture Topic: Second Dialect Acquisition in A Second Language 

Lecturer: Ksenia Gnevsheva

Lecture Time: Saturday, April 9th 2022  13:00-14:30

Tencent Meeting: 586-391-600

Brief Introduction of the Lecturer

Ksenia Gnevsheva is a Senior Lecturer at The Australian National University majoring in linguistics. Her research fields include societal phonetic diversity of bilinguals, the second dialect in second language acquisition, perception and distinction of accent, and the application of B-mode ultrasound in the teaching process of second language acquisition. Ksenia Gnevsheva has published a number of papers in international linguistic top journals.

Brief introduction of the lecture:

Second Language Acquisition (SDA) is the process of the speaker’s acquisition of the features of another dialect. For example, after living in Australia, a native American-English speaker uses “lollies” to refer to candies. Second language acquisition in first language (L1) is recorded in detail in sociolinguistics literature (e.g. Siegel, 2010). However, second language acquisition in second language (L2) gets much less attention compared to that in first language. (e.g. A native Russian speaker moved to Australia with mastery of American English after living in America). This project investigates the second language acquisition of speakers who use English as a second language and get hold of two kinds of English dialects (Australian English and American English). The project also compares such kind of second language acquisition with the one belonging to the native language’s SDA.