Upon the invitation of College of Foreign Languages, Jilin University, Professor Gerardo Gómez Michel, the Mexican scholar of Iberian American Studies Center in Busan University of Foreign Studies, came to our university for exchange and visit from June 1st to 4th, 2017. During the visit, Professor Gerardo Gómez Michel had a panel discussion with the faculty and students of the Spanish Department and delivered a lecture on the “Literaturay violencia en México”.
During the lecture, Dr. Gerardo Gómez began with the social violence, a serious problem in modern Mexico. Combining the Mexican history with literature, he also sorted out and analyzed the causes of social violence occurring in Mexico now. In the meantime, Professor Gerardo Gómez recommended to the students many of the great literary works, which revealed the social reality of Mexico. The students, hearing the lecture, reflected that they had benefited a lot from it. This lecture broadened greatly the range and depth of students` knowledge and way of thinking and also enabled the faculty and the other audience to understand Mexico in a more real and comprehensive way.
After the lecture, Dr. Gerardo Gómez interacted warmly with teachers and students present, and answered questions. The atmosphere was warm and high throughout the lecture.
In addition, professor Gerardo Gómez reached a preliminary agreement with Professor Zhang Rui, Chair of Department of Spanish and Manager of Iberian American Research Center in College of Foreign Languages, on the future academic communication and exchange visit between teachers and students of the two universities.