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Memorandum for Academic Exchange Between the Colleges of Foreign Languages of Jilin University and Providence University was Signed

Quelle: Date: 2018-09-14 View:

On September 14, 2018, Zeng Lirong, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages from Providence University, together with other four people, visited the College of Foreign Languages of Jilin University. They had informal discussions with several people from the College of Foreign Languages of Jilin University: Zhou Yifu (Dean of the College of Foreign Languages), Liu Changsong (Secretary of the Party Committee), Bai Yu (Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection), five vice deans (Zhang Meimei, Liu Zuoyan, Quan Helu, Hu Jianjun, Wang Zhefu) and Zhang Rui (the chair of Spanish Department) where exchanged were opinions on cooperation such as student and teacher exchange programs, joint study and publication, short-term courses, etc. Consensus were reached on many specific items and memorandum for academic exchange signed. Zeng and Zhou said that the mutual cooperation and exchanges would be positively advanced.

Providence University (Chingyi for short), established by Mother Gratia of the Providence Sisters and named after her Chinese name Lu Chingyi, is a well-known Catholic university situated in Taichung, Taiwan. The history of Providence University can be traced back to 1932 when “Ching-Yi Girls” High School was instituted in Kaifeng, Henan Province.

The College of Foreign Language of Providence University, with a long history, good language environment and school-running conditions, has Department of English Language and Literature, Department of Spanish Literature, and Department of Japanese Literature. It also shares many similarities with the College of Foreign Languages of Jilin University in terms of talents training, curriculum settings, etc., which provide an extensive foundation for the cooperation between the two universities.